Home again

The insomnia strikes immediately when at home. So many things have been left undone while Ken has been away and it all comes back to his mind as one big disgusting clump. He hates ”to do” lists but once again he needs to write all the things down to make them more bearable.

The first week at home is all about computers and rain. Kaarna is working and Ken doing the paperwork of the housing co-operative.

One day Ken cleans up the van:
- Look what I found under Herbert’s seats!
- My phone!!!!!
- And your sneaker!
- What about your red sandal?
- Nope. But no worries! My foreign friends have found blue and black vintage sandals and they will send them to me!
- You have the best IG family, Kaarna mumbles.

Kaarna finally gets to visit Mari after all these weeks. They share a kiss and Kaarna asks:
- Did you miss me?
- Erm… I’ve been so concentrated on the summer theater that…

- Yeah. I get it. No problem. Would you like to see the gift I brought you from Estonia?
- Naturally!

Kaarna hands Mari the glass ball and she says:
- It’s so beautiful! You shouldn’t have… it must have cost a lot…

- No! Not a penny actually! I found it on the beach at…
- Found it?! Are you serious?! You brought me someone else’s garbage?! How disgusting is that?
- What the f….?

Since the gift turned out to be a disaster, the atmosphere at Mari’s apartment gets really cold and uncomfortable. Kaarna tries to hold her tears not knowing if they are of rage or of shame.
- I’ll just go. Throw the shitty ball in the trash where it belongs or do whatever the fuck you want with it!

After finishing all the unpleasant paperwork, Ken starts to enjoy being at home again. The plumbing renovation has been successfully completed and Elisabet has done a lovely job with the natural stone tiling in the garden.

Filia comes and says contently:
- Strong girl. You are finally here. I want to go to sauna tonight. Carry the wood.

Then Elisabeth and Ken clean up the sauna and Ken notices that being away from these people for weeks has given him all new energy to do the chores together.

Kaarna rants about Mari and Ken asks:
- It’s not just the gift, is it? I’ve sensed for a while now that something has changed.
- Yeah, true. All the passion between us has died. We hardly ever have sex anymore.
- You’ve been together for quite some time already. That’s pretty normal.

- Normal. When have I ever wanted anything normal?

Mari regrets her strong reaction to Kaarna’s gift and comes to apologize.
- The ball is beautiful, and I was an asshole to say those horrible things to you.
- You’re a snob, but I forgive you. Damn, you’re beautiful… I kind of forgot that when I was away. Now can we enjoy the last summer days together?

- Yes, let’s go to the movies!
- No!!!! The weather is wonderful! Let’s go SUP boarding instead.

Ken is cleaning up the blueberries that he picked in the morning, when Kaarna asks:
- Can I borrow your Vespa?

- Why?
- Because Mari has sold her SUP board and we want to do something fun together outdoors.

- Oh, hi Mari! Nice to see you again! Have you ridden a moped before?
- Nope, but Kaarna says it’s easier than the ebike.

Mari is not happy with the color of Kaarna’s moped:
- Why do I have to take this one? I want the black one, it’s way more stylish.

- Because Ken’s Vespa is expensive and my yellow moped is cheap. I’m not letting you crash Ken’s vehicle!

- This helmet is embarrassing also.

Very soon Mari forgets the embarrasment and notices that riding a moped really is easy and fun. 
It’s amazing that the weather is still this warm and sunny. 

Even the ice cream kiosk by the riverside is still open and the girls enjoy some refreshments before they head for the movie theater. 

They have a lovely time together.

Ken’s thoughts are in the end of September when the amazing miniature event Ihmeellinen Pieni Maailma takes place again! Sadly it will be held in a different location than before, but Ken hopes it won’t mess things up. 

- But what kind of activity should I arrange this time? The sewing club was a success, but it would be really boring to repeat myself.

When Kaarna comes home, Ken is excited to tell her about the miniature fair idea that he got from @nanolandia55 :

- You could run an art club! Nothing serious, just something laid back and relaxing!

- You must be joking! Me?! 
- Yes! You enjoyed being there last year, and people had fun with us.

- With you! I didn’t mingle!
-Think about it though, okay? Don’t say NO right away.
- I will say NO tomorrow then. Good night, Ken.

In the next morning Kaarna receives an official looking letter.

- They are asking me to go to Lappeenranta for mammography for a breast cancer test. Why do they think I have cancer?
- You are 40 now, which means you belong to the risk group.

- I’m 40. I will die of cancer and I haven’t acchieved anything in my life.
- You can acchieve running an art club at the miniature fair!

Ken and Kaarna are piling the firewood when Ritva suddenly pops into the yard. Ken is delighted to see her. Even though they love each other, they hardly ever meet. Ritva is so busy with her career in the body transplant business that she hasn’t got much free time. But now she says:
- I came to ask for your help, Ken.

Ritva is chosen to be the head speaker at a conference for surgers in Spain and she asks Ken to accompany her:
- I hate flying alone, because I’m treated as a child. The stewardesses give me a coloring book and keep asking if I’m okay. They even talk baby talk to me!
- Oh heavens! I’d be so happy to fly with you! You have no idea how much I miss Spain.

- Actually I do have an idea and that’s why I’m asking you instead of dad. We’ll be accomodated in an apartment provided by the organizer of the conference and naturally I will pay for your flying ticket.
- I really can’t let you do that!

When Ritva has left, Ken asks Kaarna if she’s upset about this, but Kaarna turns her face to the other direction and says:
- Not at all. One week trip would be a torture for me. The first three days would be ruined because of the culture shock and the last four days I would cry because of the return to home. Besides I have an art club to plan here.

Ken laughs and says:
- An art club! What a lovely idea! And surprisingly the weather will still be wonderful here at home.

- Can I take Herbert for camping while you’re gone?
- Yes, but don’t crash it!