Ihmeellinen Pieni Maailma 2024

Good morning from the Kameleonten hall in Espoo, where the Ihmeellinen Pieni Maailma event takes place. Ken and Kaarna are checking that everything is in its place. 

Even Mari is an early bird today and ready to take off her bathrobe. 

Ken is wondering where to place the tiny 1:12 scale armchair, when Kaarna realizes: 
- I’m such a dildo!!!! I forgot to pack the small easel for the little people!

- Oh no! That’s a shame. It’s very important for me that the smaller folks also feel welcome, Ken says sadly.

The first and very eager visitor is Juhasusanna (@juha.susanna), the notorious PERSPHORMANCE artist!

Ken hasn’t met her before, but she still brings Ken a gift. It’s a beautiful nightie, and Ken is really touched and surprised.

Juhasusanna turns out to be quite a character!

Ken gets even more gifts! This is highly unexpected, but feels nice. 

The little girl Helmi (@taikatuuliadoll) is shy, but she finds a courage to give Ken a belated birthday present, and then she starts to color a picture of a kissing old couple. 

She has heard that Ken likes toys, so she gives him one of her Toy Story figures!

She even leaves her coloring to Ken. Such a cute little girl!

More tiny people arrive. 

Ken meets the folks of @vaaksanheimoset again - always great to chat with them. 

And he gets to know the nice girls from @vihervillan_minijutut

The regular sized @elliefromfinland also drops by and Ken promises to find time to take a look at the new and bigger Little Corner Bookstore.

The first day is really busy and so many people come and go! 

Ken meets his old friends and also get to know people behind some Insta accounts. 

Aino (@merjakayhko) is ever so pretty and has dragged her husband along. 

Jaakko seems to find something interesting also, luckily! 

Taika (@taikatuuliadoll) is one of the first people who has the courage to draw Mari!

A trustworthy guide dog leads Petra (@phicen_helmi) to the art club.

Tiiu from (@tiiuntai) has her own mini-me doll with her. They have maching outfits and it’s adorable! 

Ken is really happy to meet Pirita (@piritadiakoni) finally face to face. She came all the way from Oulu! It’s also lovely to meet her.

Nelli from @1to6lifeofviola came to rest her feet on the comfy chairs.

And just like last year, the many girls from @dolligrafik spend the whole day with Ken and Kaarna coloring, painting and drawing. 

Kaarna is so pleased and relieved to see how the workshop attracts people. She has to send her thanks to @nanolandia55 for this great idea.

The @dolligrafik girls turn out to be amazingly talented in so many ways! Kaarna can’t believe her eyes when she sees the paintings they made. 

And when Mari needs a break one of the girls play guitar and everybody sing together. 

Isn’t this just the best way to spend a weekend!

Kaarna is impressed by the talent and creativity of the people.

She sees really artistic impressions of Mari.

And she hopes that Mari’s sense of humor can handle @juha.susanna’s art!

And despite of the print on Kaarna’s shirt, the Universe arranged a tiny easel on the recycling table of the event!

RiRi (@ttmpelko_creations) preferred drawing on the floor, but she agreed to try the easel!

The art and painters in the photos above are from @dolligrafik and @aksalonen.

Kaarna needs some alone time. She locks the door of the restroom (by @atelier.tea.o.rama), which is beyond luxurious. This is a lovely place to enjoy the silence together with some cake and tea. 

After that she'll have energy to face all the stone painters again! 

She picked up some chocolate cake at the Cafe La Teinte (@la_teinte_flamboyant). 

The fancy cafeteria was really crowded and the good old Simon (still pronounced in the French way of course) seemed to be very busy under a blonde with fake boobs.
The story of the people in the cafeteria can only be found outside Instagram and only in Finnish:

Ken bumps into his fellow vanlifer @minime_doll_life at the door of @atelier.tea.o.rama. Minime has driven a long way from Sweden, because she just attended a dollmeet in Poland a few days back! 

Then she drove through all the Baltic countries and now she’s here! Ken has missed her since the playdate they had back at home last year. 

He asks Minime to join him at a crafting workshop to craft a miniature garden.

Even if this event is a marvellous place for Ken getting together with his old friends, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to make new ones! Today Ken and Kaarna get to know the nicest couple ever (@miimusdollworld), and they hope they will meet them again someday somewhere. 

Country pumpkins they call themselves, and that’s very relatable!

Some people that Ken and Kaarna don’t know before however know each other and have a chance to sit down and catch up! It’s lovely how Kit (@aksalonen) and Dora (@dora_doooru)keep blabbering and hopefully feel like home! 

Fingers crossed everyone will show up next year again!

The night is super cold with the temperature as low as +5°C. 

Minime’s van is parked next to Herbert, and Ken whispers to Kaarna:
- I hope Minime also has woollen blankets and clothes and won’t freeze to death! Just like in Herbert there’s no heating in her van either.
- Plus we have each other! Two people produce warmth more than just one! Still I think we should have packed mittens, Kaarna adds.

Mari is luckily staying with her friend - she would not survive a night this cold!

Luckily everybody survives from the chilly night and in the next morning when the sun starts to warm up the parking lot a little bit, Minime (@minime_doll_life) gives Ken a van tour. 

The details are perfect! 

Minime has rented this vehicle, but she really wants to have a van of her own. She tells how she loved the Baltic countries and especially fell in love with the medieval center of Tallinn. 

Ken understands her so well!

But it’s time to start working. Mari is already on the spot stretching and soon the first people arrive. 

Sam (@aksalonen) is a cute, quiet lady, but she stays even if Ville and Mirjami (@nanolandia55) arrive. 

They are anything but quiet! 

Kaarna finds it fun to hang around with this easy going and boheme couple.

Ken notices the sexual energy of Ville. It reminds him of Blaine, and he gets a bit mezmerized by this hot guy!

Mari wants to get a big mug of coffee, so she visits the Cafe La Teinte (Silky Street). 

When she enters the cafeteria, a strange woman, who apparently is a surgeon, starts fingering Mari’s breasts and suggests a bigger pair!
Mari quiets her down:
- No thanks, lady! I happen to like my tits! 

She finds a place to sit and meets the owner of the place, Simon. Some other guy keeps interrupting them with idiotic questions like:
- Hey Tiny Tits, wanna fuck? I bet you like big cocks!

Mari gets annoyed and says that she couldn’t care less about his dirty and disgusting penis!

Meanwhile Minime (@minime_doll_life) comes to Ken and whispers: 
- Do you know where I could charge my battery?

- Oh, I’ll show you! The electricity comes with the wall structures! Here you don’t have to be sneaky at all, Ken laughs, because he knows quite well the obstacles of vanlife.

Minime has something else on her mind too. She has brought gifts from Sweden for both Ken and Kaarna. The mugs with prints of Dalahäst are the cutest ever! Kaarna has trouble not to cry. 

Ken always gets gifts because he has so many friends, but Kaarna is a loner and never gets anything. Anyway, now Minime has thought about her too and it’s overwhelming.

Sunday is a lot quieter than Saturday and Ken has time to show Kaarna the garden he crafted yesterday at the very lovely workshop. Kaarna critizes:
- It’s way too serene. Where can I find that workshop?
Ken points the direction and then Kaarna grabs Ken’s creation and she’s gone. 

When she arrives, the tiny garden has gotten some character!

- I will start to build my own miniature world now, so I’ll have something nice to do during the shitty ass winter, Kaarna says contently.

Kaarna follows Ken to the Little Corner Bookshop (@elliefromfinland)

While Ken talks to Ellie, Kaarna takes a look at the shelves. 

She finds a very interesting book about medieval torturing methods! She moans how she can’t afford to buy anything, which rubs Olga the wrong way. This peculiar lady snarls:
- Just take the damn book for free and leave, you louzy complainer!

Kaarna feels a bit frightened, but prefers to obey, since she already had thought about stealing the book!

She hollers thank you to Ellie and Damon, while running out. Damon sure doesn’t look happy with neither Olga nor Kaarna…

In the afternoon the folks have spent all their money and energy at the fair and mainly seem to prefer chilling to creating art. 

They lay around listening to music and enjoying some refreshments from @atelier.tea.o.rama. Well, Ville and Mirjami might have bought their bottles from somewhere else... 

Even Kaarna appreciates having people around her. It feels nice and cozy and everybody gets along so well.

The event is just about to end and most of the visitors has left, when something weird happens at the drawing area. 

Kaarna didn’t see what it was… there’s Simon and some girls, but where’s Mari?! A strange woman with the forbidden nipples is posing for the painters! 

Kaarna gets worried and is about to ask Ellie, if she knows what’s going on. But right then Mari grabs Kaarna and tries to explain. Unfortunately she’s too shocked to make any sense. 

What a drama… Maybe we will be able to read all about it later on the blog of the Silky Street!