Hobbies and duties

It’s late when the trio arrives at Melukylä. Mari is dropped at her home first. 

The cat sitter has been taking good care of Bianca, who immediately begs for attention. 

Mari thinks:

- Apart from that brainless brunette with horrible nipples the experience was lovely. Next year I won’t be working there, but shopping! I need something better to bring home than a stone painted by some fan.

She throws herself on the sofa and plans to watch a movie.

Kaarna is so tired she can hardly stay on her feet!

But she still wants to make place for her new diorama, before going to sleep. 

She checks on Mari’s Instagram account and sees that there’s a selfie with a somewhat pretentious caption. 

The girl seems to be fine even if she refuses to talk about the hassle at the fair.

In the next morning Ken is super grateful of his new nightgown given by JuhaSusanna. It’s made of linen and it’s as light as a feather and it totally kept him from sweating as much as usually during the menopause hot flashes!

The weekend was wonderful and Ken feels happy and loved! He also feels love towards all the other dolls! And he is proud of Kaarna, who really outdid herself in so many ways! 
Ken just can’t stay away from Instagram now! This fairytale doesn’t need to end.

Ken is eager to start assembling his new doll house furniture. Kaarna shambles in and says: 
- I’m so beat… I refuse to meet anybody during the next two weeks! Hey…. You bought that expensive furniture kit!?

- I had been saving money for it. I wish I still was a person who actually can support artists and craftsmen by buying their creations.
- When have you ever been that person?

- When I was married to Hector and working for Susanna.
- Ok, well now you have a wind wiped ass and Matti in your wallet. Lovely Finnish sayings!

Then Kaarna goes through Ken’s toy chest hoping she could find something for her own diorama.

(The tiny furniture kit is from @gepetto.fi. The sweets on Kaarna’s plate are from @atelier.tea.o.rama. Ken’s nightie is a selfmade gift from @juha.susanna and the mugs are a gift from @minime_doll_life, made by herself!)

While Ken spends the whole day crafting, Kaarna has real work to do. 

She’s been asked to illustrate and design the poster and other advertising material for the next musical of the local theater. It’s the Addams Family and Mari will play the role of Wednesday!

Ken wants to show Kaarna his new little furniture, but Kaarna grunts he’s only disturbing her. Ken sighs:
- You’ve been working all day. Maybe it’s time to stop already. Have you even eaten anything?
- I haven’t. Have you?

- Of course not! I’ve been crafting! Look at all this! I can’t wait until next year when I can buy the lovely gustavian style bed and chair from Gepetto.

They decide to fry a quick omelet, but Kaarna trips and all the eggs break! 

Ken says:
- It doesn’t matter. I’ll make something with the semi rotten vegetables we have in the fridge.

- By what name do you call this meal? Kaarna asks, when the dinner is on the table.
- I don’t call it anything. I just eat it. We need to go to the grocery store. The fridge is empty.

It turns out that both Ken and Kaarna are broke. The trip to Espoo took all their money. Ken checks his cash box, but there’s only coins left. 

Kaarna starts to cry:
- We’ll starve to death!!! I hate this life!!!! It’s nothing but torture!!!!

- You’re just having a meltdown after an exceptionally social weekend. Let it all come out. Then we can go and buy the groceries on my credit card. I’ll get my unemployment benefit next week and you’ll be able to send a bill to the theater soon enough. We’ll be allright.

To be continued.