
It’s a perfectly beautiful winter day, when Kaarna walks all the way to the town center to see Mari. 

They’ve agreed on having the big talk face to face.

Mari has big news. She has sold her apartment and bought another one in Tampere.

- It’s a really small apartment. The prices are three times higher than here. But I’m glad I managed to sell this at all. Nobody wants to live in Imatra. There’s nothing in here, just a dying little town.

Kaarna can’t believe her ears.

- You’re moving to Tampere??? Why?

- I got a job at the city theater. It’s on totally different level than our town theater. The actors and directors are true professionals over there!!!!!

For how long have you known about this?

- Pretty long, but I wasn’t absolutely sure about it before…

- Before you suggested we’d take a break?!

- Yes…

- That’s why you’ve been so distant. You’ve been slowly breaking up with me?

- Well… if you put it that way…

- Asshole. I hope you’ll rotten in Tampere. Sorry… I hope you’ll be happy in Tampere. But you’re still an asshole. Gigantic and full of diarrhea.

Ken! Listen to what Mari just texted me: ”Forgot to tell you the moving day… hoping you’ll be here to help me.” Do I really have to help her leave me?!

- Oh dear. You don’t have to do everything she wants. She’s got a lot of other friends that she can boss around.

Days go by slowly and Mari moves away without Kaarna’s help. Kaarna feels like she needs some especially deep relaxation. 

What a great reason to visit Mocambo… It’s early and the bar is almost empty. Taylor says:

- I think I’ve told you also before that I told you so. Why don’t you believe me? Mari has a habit to leave broken hearts behind where ever she goes.

- She’s so beautiful. It’s impossible to resist her. Is your bathtub free?

- Sure. The first reservation of the boudoir is at nine.

Taylor leads Kaarna in the back room and leaves her to enjoy the hot bath and the luxury surroundings.

Kaarna wishes she could lie here in the hot water until she dies in this ridicilous room.

- I keep failing at my relationships and my work. And still surviving this world is based on those two exact things.

Kaarna gets up when the noise in the bar starts to rise. 

Geordie surprises her with hot chocolate:

- Taylor told me this is your favorite drink. It’s on the house. And surely you still remember that I’m always ready to take care of all your needs.

- Thanks, that’s nice of you. But I’m not looking for excellent casual sex right now.

Every morning Ken reads the news when he wakes up. And every morning it makes him more desperate about the modern World. 

He says to Kaarna:

- I need to figure out some new morning routine. The news make me hate the humankind.

- There’s nothing wrong about hating the humankind. We are a huge mistake and we should all go extinct.

- Hating makes me unhappy. I need to make my brain work with something positive while waiting for the extinction.

- Like crossword puzzles?

- Great idea!

Ken didn’t realize that there are so many different crossword puzzle magazines in the supermarket. How could he choose a magazine that’s neither too easy nor too difficult?

Life really gets a whole lot easier without the news. Ken doesn’t even know that Trump has begun as a president. But unfortunately some of the 

World events find their way to Ken’s eyes through the Instagram memes that he accidentally sees:

- I don’t understand this one…

- They have banned TikTok in the USA.

- Really? Why?

- Don’t ask me. I only read the headlines.

Ken asks Kaarna if they could watch a movie together in the evening, but Kaarna says:

- I’m going to Mocambo.

- Again? You go there almost every evening!

- I can relax there like nowhere else.

- True… you always come home with rosy cheeks and a happy face.

It’s not just the bath tub that is tempting Kaarna to visit Mocambo several times every week. 

The service they provide is far more relaxing than the mere bubble bath. 

And Kaarna likes it a lot more than she’s ready to admit. Or to tell Ken about.

Please don’t make the mistake to think that Geordie is a prostitute. 

He just loves sex and he loves women. All of them. He can’t get enough of them. 

He’s got a mission on Earth and that is to satisfy as many women as possible.

One evening when Kaarna arrives from Mocambo, she finds Ken sleeping on the sofa.

- Ken, wake up. Go to bed.

Ken mumbles words that don’t make any sense:

- Asma. Aspi. Iltit. Määrly. Täyt. Esta. Atto. Inia. Upas…

Kaarna says to Ken:

- You are talking gibberish.

- Crossword puzzle words.

- You’ve overdosed on those things.

- Why are your pants inside out? Ken asks.

- I noticed it too when I was walking home. I must’ve been a bit dizzy when getting dressed after the… the bath.

How many days did January last? 187 days? 2564 days? All rain or deadly ice. Gray and more gray. The winters keep getting worse each year. 

Although the advantage of this is that the heating bills are more tolerable.

Kaarna wants to build a diorama for her Beast, but she has no idea what to do.

- It’s like my brain had stopped working completely.

Ken suggests that she should go for a walk to clear her mind.

- Walk. Yes. Good idea.

And she walks straight to Mocambo.

Where’s Geordie? Kaarna asks from Taylor, who replies:

- In the back. But Kaarna…

Kaarna doesn’t hear her, since she’s already diving through the curtain. She hollers:

- I need you Geordie!

How didn’t she realize that Geordie might not be alone? Geordie greets her happily:

- Hey Babe! Me and Suski have just finished, hop in!

But seeing some bimbo there with Geordie makes Kaarna want to throw up on them both. She allows herself act all crazy and childish and storms out of the building.

Finally a sunny and extremely cold day! 

After the three months long November, a weather like this makes Ken super happy! 

Can the real winter finally start?

The high pressure gives Ken so much energy, and he has no interest in the crossword puzzles now!

For Ken’s surprise the sunny weather didn’t affect on Kaarna at all. Her desk and workplace are a mess.

She’s so quiet that Ken worries for her.

Mostly Kaarna stays in her messy bedroom by herself thinking about what happened in Mocambo.

- Jealousy. Pure jealosy and nothing else. Christ’s ass… I’m actually jealous of that sleazebag.

Finally Kaarna comes to Ken and even if it’s really hard to say out loud, she splutters:

- I’ve fallen in love with Geordie.

- Whaaaat?! Who?! How?! Geordie?! Are you talking about TAYLOR’S GEORDIE?!!!!!!!????

- Yes. I even like his penis!!!! What’s wrong with me?! I’m so ashamed of myself.

Kaarna has no other option but to tell all about it to Ken. 

Ken calms her down by explaining:

- It’s not love. It’s only a hormone called oxytocin. The levels of oxytocin rise really high during an orgasm. Especially for women. So, the amazing sex and multiple orgasms that you experience with Geordie make your brain function just like when you fall in love.

- So if I’ll stop seeing him, the feeling of love will disappear?

- Stop having sex with him. Then you’ll notice again that he’s meaningless.

Kaarna starts to make a castle for her Beast. She’s not a talented crafter, but she gets carried away anyhow and continues all day. 

In the evening Ken says:

- Maybe you should stop already. It’s half past nine and I’m getting to bed.

- I’ll go to bed too, I’ll just add some more glue on this tower.

Later Kaarna thinks that it’s Ken again who’s going to ask her to stop crafting. But the hand that she feels on her head seems a lot heavier…

- It’s you!!! Kaarna sighs. The visitor lifts her up and looks into her eyes with a desire. 

Kaarna slides her hands on the muscular shoulders and the handsome furry face of this magnificent beast.

With pleasure Kaarna allows the Beast to carry her on the sofa and start to undress her gently but firmly.

She has never been more ready to anybody and she moans contently when she feels the Beast between her thighs.

But suddenly the Beast starts to change and quickly takes a human form! Kaarna is terrified of this disgusting creature and jumps right up!

- Gross!!!! Get your filthy hands off of me, you freak!!! she screams.

Kaarna manages to escape, but only ends up in Geordie’s boudoir! There’s the horrible prince already waiting for her with Geordie and a blondie. 

What a dreadful nightmare! 

Kaarna wakes up on the floor and her heart is beating hard. 

She takes a deep breath and looks at the castle in front of her.

- Red, gold and black? What the hell have I been thinking? A replica of Geordie’s stupid little backroom mansion?

Then she stomps on the castle over and over again until it’s completely destroyed.