2015 - The autumn days
Hector is anxiously waiting for the snow. He is asking Ken to sew him some clothes for snowboarding.
Ken isn't going to. He thinks that the best thing to do now is stay under many blankets, drink hot cocoa and eat a lot of chocolate.
He lends Riina some of his old Der Puppe magazines.
- Hey Ken, check this out! I finally have a favourite magazine of my own! It's called Wroom and it's about all kinds of vehicles!
- That's great news! But I'm sure DerPuppe is still the best doll magazine ever.
After the shortest summer in history comes the autumn.
- The winter is coming closer, can you feel it?! Oh the crispy air! It feels so good! Hector laughs.
- Shut up, Ken says and turns his back on him.
The best thing about cold weather is that Ken gets to wear his pantyhose. He looks so damn cute in them.
The colder and the darker the days get, the more sugary sweets ken wants to eat. And there´s plenty to choose from in Lotta´s cafeteria.
Hey Hector, check this out! Now we can be like our American friends and carve a scary pumpkin!
Ken is getting all carried away with the Halloween madness.
Hector is not happy.
- You are making a terrible mess!
- That's why we have covered the table with plastic, like the serial killer Dexter Morgan! Nobody should be cut in pieces without a decent plastic protection!
Hector doesn't want to watch this any longer. But Ken and Ritva are having a time of their life!
- Look! His brain just came out! And there are his guts!
- For heaven's sake, Ken! Your pumpkin is covered in mold on the inside! I just knew this was a bad idea!
- I'm sure that is how it is supposed to be. My American friends carve pumpkins all the time. Now we need a candle to light it up.
The notorious pumpkin looks very nice with a candle inside. However after this it will be thrown away before it rottens completely. Ken decides that the Americans can keep their Halloween.
In Finland we traditionally don't have Halloween. Instead we have Pyhäinpäivä when we go to graveyard and put candles on the graves of our loved ones. Hundreds of candles look extremely beautiful in the darkness.
Pyhäinpäivä is not about ghosts, vampires, demons and all that scary stuff. It's a quiet, silent, peaceful day when we remember the people who have passed away.
However the American Halloween has crawled it's way to Finland too during recent years. Stores are full of Halloween decorations and outfits for kids and very many people throw a party for their children with a Halloween theme.
Ken is at a miniature fair Suuri Snadi. He just found three Hello Kitty figures for Ritva's collection!
And some really useful stuff for Lotta and her Cafe Indigo!
A gift to Hector.
Beautiful furniture! Ken is spending every penny he's got!
And the best of it all: Ken gets to meet his dear friend Axu again!
When Ken gets back home, he's got a big surprise gift for Hector!
- Keep your eyes closed! No peaking!
Hector is jumping up and down like a little boy when he sees the awesome gift Ken bought him!
- I love it I love it I love it I love it soooooo much! It's so beautiful!
Hector spends the whole day in the forest.
Ken is sewing some curtains for their kitchen.
The weather... you know. Time to start planning a trip to a sunny place.
Ken is reading a tourist guide of Malta.
- Did you know that they drive on the left side of the road there?
- And did you know that Malta is highly catholic? They allowed divorces only in 2011! How crazy is that?!
- Stop giving me the Malta facts. I am not interested because you are not taking me with you!