When Ken arrives at Tampere, he buys a delicious cake from Tallipiha Chocolate Shop.
He meets his good old friend Steven by the fountain. Too cold for swimming, Ken thinks. He has lost his Finnish guts and become a bit of a pussy in the warm climate of Spain.
Steven has to go to a job interview today, but he still has a little time to join Ken for a picnic
Steven is sorry that he didn’t bring his better china and silverware, but the cake tastes absolutely delicious anyway.
After a nice day with Steven, Ken drives a few hours and finds a good lakeside spot to spend the night.
Oops, time for the morning poop! Luckily there are dry toilets on almost every swimming beach.
Ken is in Salo and he’s trying to find one especially amazing guy...
There he is!!!! The one and only Axu @axuduck who Ken hasn’t seen in a long long time.
During the years that Axu has lived here in Salo, he has become friends with the local people. Aleksi, Janne and Jasper are funny boys. Ken is having a great time with these four handsome men.
The boys hang out, eat and drink well, enjoy the sun and each other’s company. Hopefully Jasper’s pale and delicate skin won’t get burned!
Ken and Axu need to take some alone time too to catch up, before Ken continues his road trip.
Another amazing morning! Ken wants to go for a walk on the lake shore right after his morning porridge.
He almost steps on a frog! But the frog manages to avoid a certain death and hops away.
- Wait a minute, Ken thinks and runs after the creature... Does that frog really wear a golden crown?! Is it a frog prince?! Do they exist?
He follows the frog to the rocks but the weird little royal disappears. Ken sees someone sitting by the water and asks:
- Hey there, did you see a frog coming that way?
- A frog? If I had seen a frog here, you would have heard me screaming... I hate them and fear them, horrible monsters, says the blue haired girl.
Then she looks at Ken from head to toe, stands up and laughs:
- Do we have the same stylist, frog hunter?
Since the frog disappeared Ken accepts the girl’s invitation to hang out with her. She tells that she lives a few kilometers away in a commune.
- A commune? Like a hippie commune? Ken asks.
- Sort of. A lot of great people live there, but I’m having difficulties to get along with the leader couple.
- Leaders?
- Yeah... unfortunately it´s not a democratic commune.
- A cult?
- Almost, the girl laughs.
The blue haired girl is very open about her life:
- I separated from my girlfriend a couple of years ago and everything has been a mess ever since. I came to the commune accidentally and decided to stay, because I had no place to go. But I’m fed up with it now and I would like to leave... But I still don’t know where to go!
- I’m on a road trip! I could take you with me and together we will find a place for you, Ken replies because he thinks there has to be a reason why that frog lead him to this girl.
A tear of joy falls down on her cheek.
- Are you serious? You’d take me with you, even if you don’t know me at all? I might be a serial killer or something even worse!
- I could be too! Ken laughs. For some reason he trusts this girl.

- I will pick you up tomorrow then! See you at the parking lot of your cult... I mean commune.
- Great! It´s settled then! My name is Kaarna, by the way.
- And I am Ken! Nice to meet you!